
  • Abd Rozaq STIT Al-Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang
  • Suliyanto Suliyanto Pascasarjana S-2 PGSD Universitas Terbuka



Islamic education refers to the development of future
human life without eliminating Islamic principles mandated by Allah
SWT to humans. Therefore, we need to emulate and imitate the life
of the Prophet Ibrahim and his family to be used as materials in
delivering Islamic religious education ways. The focus of this
research are: (1) the concept of Islamic education and the story of
wives of Prophet Ibrahim AS. (2) The purpose of Islamic education
in the story of the Wives of the Prophet Ibrahim. (3) Mirror of
Islamic educational material in the story of the Wives of the Prophet
Ibrahim. (5) Evaluation of Islamic education in the story of the
Wives of the Prophet Ibrahim. This research is based on literature
review. The results of the study: Prophet Ibrahim AS educated and
preached to all walks of life as well as with various types and
backgrounds. His followers are children, wives and parents, then the
surrounding community. The attributes of education that can be
taken from the Prophet Ibrahim, among others: obedient to Allah
SWT, hanif, honest (shiddiq), trustful and intelligent (high
knowledge), patient, gentle feelings. The lesson learns taught by the
Prophet Ibrahim are monotheism (aqeedah), moral conduct, worship
and tazkiyatun nufus. The methods used by the US Ibrahim in
presenting the study are: the exemplary method (uswatun hasanah),
the advice method, the dialogue method and the argument method.


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How to Cite

Rozaq, A., & Suliyanto, S. (2020). KISAH ISTRI-ISTRI NABI IBRAHIM AS PERSPEKTIF PENDIDIKAN ISLAM. Urwatul Wutsqo: Jurnal Studi Kependidikan Dan Keislaman, 9(1), 1-23.


