
  • Mahnan Marbawi SMPN 280 DKI Jakarta


ideology, education, Islam


Educational problems must be taken on. The various negative impacts of modern life have to be minimized by human life sectors, including education. This article explains how education has constantly basis for thinking in every educational process. In addition, it also examines Islamic ideology in achieving educational goals, especially in realizing the five responsibilities as its task. This is because education cannot be separated from ideology. Whatever the educational model, it always has an ideological content. Education as a tool to preserve an ideology is clearly part of the social change process. Ideology is defined as the person or people perspective in understanding social reality. The color of ideology in education which is based on two perspectives, they are the formal system perspective and the empirical process perspective brings up three classifications of educational ideology, they are dichotomous, trichotomic and six groups. Meanwhile, the educational ideology in Islam prioritizes the individual as the main focus. This because of the importance of
education to build soul, mind and piety. The purpose of education in Islam is focused on the individual’s ability to be able to be responsible for five things, such as responsibility to Allah SWT, to himself, to society, to act and uphold justice and responsibility to nature.


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How to Cite

Marbawi, M. (2024). IDEOLOGI ISLAM SEBAGAI SOLUSI PROBLEMATIKA DALAM DUNIA PENDIDIKAN. Ziyadah: Jurnal Nasional Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran PAI, 4(1), 99-140. Retrieved from


