
  • Umi Mahmudah MTsN 6 Jombang Jawa Timur


educational curriculum, al-Qur'an hadith, thematic


Curriculum is an inseparable part education part. The curriculum has a central position in the entire educational process that aimed to direction, guidelines or signs of the learning process implementation. The curriculum components are: objectives, materials, methods and evaluation. This make up the curriculum becomes a system. Along with the development of theory and practice in education, as well as the increase facilities and infrastructure in educational institutions, the curriculum has expanded both formal and nonformal. In the aspect of ontology, it has been discussed in detail about the understanding of the curriculum, ranging from etymology to terminology. In the aspect of epistemology, it is known that the al-Qur'an has taught humans about the method of teaching. This article also describes the application of educational curriculum at the time of the Prophet and now. Knowledge at that time was divided into three fields, namely nasab science, ru'ya science (dreams) and divination (magic). The main material of Islamic education in Mecca is monotheism guidance and the teaching of al-Qur'an. The learning methods used are lectures, discussions, discussion, questions and answers, guidance, role models, demonstrations, storytelling, memorization, assignments and role playing. In Islamic education in Indonesia, the curriculum applicated is conducted based on the Islamic education institutions needs. Curriculum development has to adjust human nature, physical, spiritual and nafs nature.


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How to Cite

Mahmudah, U. (2023). KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN DALAM KAJIAN AL-QUR’AN HADITS TEMATIK. Ziyadah: Jurnal Nasional Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran PAI, 2(2), 93-116. Retrieved from https://jurnal.stituwjombang.ac.id/index.php/ziyadah/article/view/954


