The article is a conceptual paper (library research) or research result of study of Islamic Education from field (field research) which has never been published by other print media. 1. Topics reviewed include the study of Islamic Education or Islamic Education from various perspectives. 2. Authors are from lecturers, observers, practitioners, researchers, teachers or activists 3. Articles are written in Indonesian, Arabic or standard English with a spacing of 1.5 spaces on A4 A-size HVS paper and sent to the editor in the form of soft copy sent to the e-mail address: 4. Length of writing between 15-30 pages, excluding Bibliography. 5. Eligible articles will be selected and edited by the editorial board for uniform format and style of writing, without changing the substance. 6. The name of the article author (without an academic degree or position) is listed with correspondence address, email address and / or mobile phone number. 7. Articles in the form of library research include title, name and identity of the author, abstract in English with 200 words, keywords, introduction, content or discussion, cover and bibliography. 8. Articles in the form of field research include the title, name and identity of the author, abstract in English with 200 Word, key words, introduction (problem, purpose and benefit of research), research methods, research results, discussion or analysis, cover and bibliography. 9. Keywords can be words or phrases. 10. Foreign terms (non-Indonesian) must be italicized or italics. 11. The writing of footnotes and bibliography is different. The difference can be seen in the following example: footnote is one of three writing texts that serve to mark the identity of the data source. besides footnote can also be used to provide additional information about a subject or issue that is impossible to explain in the body of the text but is still closely related to the issues discussed. such an explanation should be placed in the footnote, other wese will interfere the flow of discussion. in addition to footnotes, against two other writing technects, the endnotes and the middle notes (innote). in principle the footnotes and endnotes are no different, except only in the location. the footnote is located at the bottom of the text body, while the final note is on the back of each chapter or at the end of the book. the middle note (innote) is a note placed directly at the end of the post (entered in the text body). in comparison with the final notes, the footnote is more practical, because the reader can immediately know the identity of the source mentioned in the same page with the quotation. because it's a scientific work tends to use more footnotes compared to the other two models. with such considerations, the footnotes were chosen as a technique that was treated in the activities of Ilmuna journal articles. The source of the book Source from translated book The source of a book written by more than one author The source of the articles in the book The source of the book consists of several volumes, volumes or juz. Sources from articles in scientific journals and magazines Sources of unpublished research results (Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation) Sources of unpublished research reports, whether individual research or collective research Sources from the interview The source of the writing (entry) in an encyclopaedia. Sources from articles on websites or e-mail Sources include regulations (UUD, UU, Kepres, PP, Permendiknas, Kepmen dsb) (footnote) is the same with the source on it directly, then used the word Ibid. Footnote (footnote) same with about source but not directly (Op.cit) Footnote (footnote) similar to the above source but not directly and as high as 2 other sources or more (Loc.cit) Exampl Bibliography Ash-Shiddieqy, Hasbi. Kriteria Antran Sunnah dan Bid'ah. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1976 13. Writing articles using Arab-Indonesian transliteration guidelines as follows: